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Youth Ministries:

This provides youth an opportunity to develop new friendships, build positive relationships, search out the meaning of our faith, and grow closer to Christ. 


Sunday School:

Children begin in our sanctuary during the10:30 worship service.  After a minister-led children's story, they move to the education room.  The purpose of our Sunday School is for children to learn more about the Bible and how to apply God's Word to their lives. They learn the meaning and purpose of the Christian faith through crafts, music, and creative teaching techniques. 

Note: Sunday School has been suspended during COVID-19 pandemic.



Adult Ministries:

Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF):

Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) is dedicated to glorifying God by bringing women into a more intimate relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior. Centered around service projects, study of women in the Scriptures and loving fellowship the CWF meets periodical throughout the year.

Note: Activities have been suspended during COVID-19 pandemic.

Share Christ's Love:

Prayer Chain:

The purpose of our chain is to lift up the cares, concerns and celebrations of all in prayer.  If you have a special prayer request or if you would like to be included on our Prayer Chain, please contact Donna J. Pleger at 632-3332 or email your request to  



Music Ministries:

CHCC Choir:

Our choir sings special musical selections during the Sunday worship service.We invite you to join us as we raise our voices in praise and thanksgiving to God. We meet every Saturday morning from 9:30-11 am in the sanctuary for choir practice.  We have openings for all vocal parts. Don't be bashful, come and join us. For more information, contact our Director of Music Charles Johnson by phone: 632-3332 or email:


Church  Committees:

Open & Affirming: 

No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here!  “Open and Affirming” (ONA) is a movement of more than 1,200 churches that welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ) members.  After a time of study, dialogue and prayer, churches adopt an ONA “covenant” committing their members to welcome LGBT seekers, support their relationships, and advocate for their basic rights. ONA churches take seriously the Bible’s admonition to “accept one another, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” (Romans 15:7, NIV).  For more information about  upcoming events or services for the LGBTQ comminuty please visit the pride center of wny website.  


Church Growth:


Building & Grounds:

The Building & Grounds Committee oversees all activities associated with the operation, maintenance, safety and security of all buildings, grounds, furnishings and equipment in the church.



Stewardship is recognizing that all we have is a gift from God, all we have belongs to God, and all we have is to be used to serve God and enjoy God. The goal of stewardship ministry in the church is to lead people into spiritual formation that allows them to trust God, to serve God, and enjoy God with all they are and all they have. The Stewardship Committee teaches us to live out a generous 

response to God’s abundance in all that we have and with all that we are. Scripture teaches us to enter into practices through which the Holy Spirit can work to transform us into the image of God’s son. That’s why the purpose of the church’s stewardship committee and the focus of its programs should be to develop methods and means to call people into personal growth as people with capacity to give, serve, and care generously. The responsibilities of the Stewardship Committee are to study and grow in its understanding of biblical stewardship so it can help church members see the relationship between whole-life stewardship and the life of discipleship, to help members understand how the budget is the “mission statement” for the church, to plan a year-round stewardship program in support of the church mission statement, to help personalize giving (through newsletters, etc.) so people can see and pray for what their gifts are doing, to analyze present and past trends in giving so it can advise the board and church members on stewardship matters, to help people become better acquainted with their spiritual gifts and to help them invest those gifts in the local church ministry, to promote the stewardship of accumulated resources through wills and bequests, and to provide guidelines for receiving major gifts such as stocks, to work with other committees, task forces, and organizations in the congregation to help plan and to coordinate the stewardship education program for all ages. 



The primary task of the Worship Committee is to work with the pastor and leader(s) of music to ensure that the congregation provides opportunities for worship that will help people develop and strengthen their relationship with God and will help them live more faithfully as Christian disciples.


World Outreach:

The mission of the World Outreach Committee is to engage our membership in activities that demonstrate the love of God and Jesus Christ.  Church and community service projects offer help, hope and reconciliation to individuals and families within our church, community and world.  In our ministry we commit ourselves to building caring partnerships and fostering mutual ministries with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), other faith-based communities, and human services organizations serving those in need.


Spiritual Development:

The Spiritual Development Committee arranges seminars, workshops, mini-courses, book discussions, etc., on a range of topics—from social and environmental justice to theology and spiritual practices to arts and crafts—that reflect the variety of interests of CHCC congregants. We meet to review proposals for classes and explore future offerings. We always welcome new members.



Cleveland Heights Christian Church

4774 Union Rd. Cheektowaga, NY 14225

(716) 632-3332


Worship with us on Sunday:


Adult Bible Study @ 9:30 am (September- June)


Worship Service @ 10:30 am



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