Cleveland Heights Christian Church

Building Use
Building/Hall Use: Our building is open at no charge to non-profit community groups for regular meetings as well as denominational and ecumenical church meetings. Applications for long-term use are made through written requests which are approved by our Department of Buildings and Grounds. For information regarding building use please contact the church office by phone at (716) 632-3332 or email
Cleveland Heights is a smoke-free building.
Weddings: Weddings may be scheduled by calling the church office. There is no cost to members of the congregation. However, for non-members, there is a cost for use of the church. You are expected to use our organist unless other arrangements are made with the church.
Baby Dedications: As with all Disciples Churches, we do not baptize babies. Instead, we conduct an impressive service of Dedication, at which the baby is officially named, and parents promise to bring up the child as a Christian. The congregation covenants with the parents to assist in the care and nurture of the child. While we do not insist that parents join the church, it is obvious that we cannot fulfill our part of the covenant if the parents and child do not participate in church life. We call a newly-dedicated baby a catechumen. This is an ancient term meaning "learner." Ideally, the catechumen becomes part of the Sunday School (usually around age 2) and participates in the educational and worship life of the church. At an age of responsibility (sometime around the age of 12), the young person makes a personal affirmation of faith in Jesus as the Christ and is baptized. Not unlike confirmation, we offer a series of classes under the guidance of the Pastor to prepare the candidate for baptism, which is by complete immersion in water.